Expressionism. . .began around 1910 emerging in architecture, theater and art. It gives a distorted view of the world and evokes a mood or idea. The films used asymmetrical (the absence of symmetry) camera angles, and contrasting lighting to develop themes of insanity and madness.
"Caligari" (1920) Directed by: Robert Wiene
Roger Ebert comments. . ."Caligari" is said to be the first example in cinema of German Expressionism. a visual style in which not only the characters, but the world itself is out of joint. I don't know of another film that used its extreme distortions and discordant angles, but its over-all attitude certainly cleared the way for
"The Gollem" "Nosferatu" "Metropolis" and "M"
In one of the best-known books ever written about film "From Caligari to Hitler", the art historian, Siegfried Kracauer argued that the rise of Nazism was foretold by the preceding years of German films, which reflected a world of wrong angles and lost values. In this reading, Caligari was Hitler and the German people were sleepwalkers under this spell."
He goes on to say, "Caligari" creates a mindscape, a subjective psychological fantasy. In this world, unspeakable horror becomes possible."
to read more of this review by Roger Ebert click this link:
"Caligari" (1920) Directed by: Robert Wiene
Roger Ebert comments. . ."Caligari" is said to be the first example in cinema of German Expressionism. a visual style in which not only the characters, but the world itself is out of joint. I don't know of another film that used its extreme distortions and discordant angles, but its over-all attitude certainly cleared the way for
"The Gollem" "Nosferatu" "Metropolis" and "M"
In one of the best-known books ever written about film "From Caligari to Hitler", the art historian, Siegfried Kracauer argued that the rise of Nazism was foretold by the preceding years of German films, which reflected a world of wrong angles and lost values. In this reading, Caligari was Hitler and the German people were sleepwalkers under this spell."
He goes on to say, "Caligari" creates a mindscape, a subjective psychological fantasy. In this world, unspeakable horror becomes possible."
to read more of this review by Roger Ebert click this link:

Director: F.W. Murnaus This is a detailed story of a vampire. It has no sound but evokes much feeling and lays down some of the characteristics of vampires that we still use today! I found this streaming on Roku! Look on your streaming channels and watch for free!
In 1927 Fritz Lang (Dec 5, 1890 to Aug 2, 1976) an Austrian-German filmmaker and his wife wrote a movie called "Metropolis." This film was representative of the "Expressionism" movement.
This is a silent film with no sound and it had to be restored which was a long process. You do not miss the sound when you watch it! I was impressed.
These expressionism films embraced a desire for change with bold, new
ideas and artistic styles. The set designs were wildly non-realistic,
geometrically absurd angles, along with designs painted on walls and
floors to represent light, shadows and objects. The stories were
madness, insanity, betrayal and other topics triggered by experiences
of World War I (as opposed to standard action and romantic
1989 music video "Express Yourself" pays omage to the film
"Metropolis" and Fritz Lang.
Many science fiction films were influenced by "Metropolis" and the German Expression movement. I just recently viewed a movie streaming on "Sling" that reminded me of "Metropolis." The name of this movie is "AEON Flux" created by Korean American animator Peter Chung. This action, horror. science fiction film was released on Dec. 2, 2005. The film is set in the future and stars Charlize Theron (video clip above) who plays Aeon Flux, the underground operator fighting totalitarian rule in the 25th century. I noticed the set designs were filled with angles, circles and extreme perspective shots. From this film was created a TV series, a video game and a comic book. I enjoyed the film and if you like science fiction, I would recommend watching it- streaming on "Sling." Also be sure and watch "Metropolis" (now streaming on Netflix) and you will see its influence in many science fiction and horror films.
Another notable film from German Expressionism is Paul Wegener's "The Golem: How He Came Into the World" (1920). Video clip above. In this version a clay statue is brought to life by Rabbi Loew in 16th century Prague to save the Jews from the ongoing brutal persecution by the city's rulers.
GERMAN EXPRESSION has cast its shadow on some of the most well-known directors of movie history. For example, "The Killers" by Robert Siodmak's is filmed in a beautiful expressionist style which adds to the films mystery. "Citizen Kane" by Orson Welles is an ode to expressionist film making with many famous scenes displaying this style.
Tim Burton films are highly influenced by expressionism. German Expression is nearly 100 years old; but it still inspires directors and screenwriters.
THIS MOVEMENT BEGAN TO END - "The Blue Angel" (1930) (clip above) is considered the last German Expressionism film. Directed by Josep Von Sternberg Starring: Marlene Dietrich A full feature "talkie" film. Marlene and Sternberg went on to make 6 more movies together!
. . .during the mid 1920's. Some 1,500 directors, producers, actors and other film professionals emigrated to Hollywood, California during the years after the Nazis came to power. Among them were Billy Wilder, Erich Pommer, Marlene Dietrich, Peter Lorre and Director Fritz Lang who had a long and prosperous career in America. Therefore this style remained influential especially during the 1930's and 1940's in American horror films and film noir. Director Fritz Lang in photo below.
Lord Browning's "Dracula" (1931) contains all the hallmarks of Expressionism, along with the movie "Frankenstein" by John Wales.
THE FILM NOIR GENRE began in the early 1940's and one of its biggest influences were expressionism and crime fiction. Just like expressionism, film noir is noted for its striking visuals and the use of shadows to add a pessimistic view of the world.
Germany is one of the most industrialized countries. Located in central-western Europe, Germany is a democratic, federal, parliamentary republic. It contains 16 states with a very high standard of living. It is a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors. It is called "Federal Republic of Germany".
BERLIN is the capital and the largest metropolis.
In the 21st century, Berlin has emerged as a major international creative center. Berlin is in the art world spotlight. Many types of festivals are held here each year.
Berlin holds an annual "The Berlin International Film Festival" also called "Berlinale" which is considered the largest publicly attended film festival worldwide. This past year was the 66th festival. (Runs Feb. 11 thru 21) Founded in 1951, Up to 400 films are shown in several sections, representing a comprehensive array of the film world. About twenty films compete for the awards called the Golden and Silver Bears. The Golden Bear is Berlinale's highest award featured on the German capital's flag. The winner is chosen by an international jury; last year Meryl Streep presented the award.
The Cohen brothers' "Hail Ceasar" released in the UK on March 4 opened last year's festival.
A little more about Germany's Art. . .
Germany is a leader in the fashion industry. The German textile industry consisted of 1,300 companies with more than 130,000 employees in 2010. Berlin Fashion week and its fashion trade fair "Bread and Butter" are held twice a year.
Bread is a significant part of German cuisine and German bakeries produce about 600 main types of bread and 1,200 different types of pastries and rolls.
Movements of Neue Deutsche Welle, pop, Ostrock, heavy metal/rock, punk, pop rock, indie and schlager pop as well as electronic music pioneered by Kraftwek and Tangerine Dream. Techno and house music scenes of Germany have become well known. (e.g. Felix Jaehn, Paul van Dyk, Paul Kalkbrenner and Scooter).
Germany has an open mind and open arms to all art, in all its many forms and is rising to influence the world once again and celebrate with us the wonderful gift of art.
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